Monday, March 18, 2013

In which I learn what I'm doing

I've said many times that this anthology is a learning experience for me.  I have been a little selfish.  The whole point of "We Had Stars Once" is to promote my beloved Niners and while I've been busy learning, I've realized that I should be sharing that learning with everyone.  Even if someone doesn't have the goal of being picked up by a publishing house or of making any money writing, I believe in sharing knowledge, so I have come up with an idea.

I would like us to share our edits, both content and technical, and even get some discussion going around them.  The reason being, it's hard for me, at least, to see what's wrong with my writing.  It's true that I frequently refer to all my work as "crap" but when it comes down to it, I can hardly tell what makes it seem like crap to me.  I really only can say that it doesn't feel that strong to me, or that I feel like I messed up the dialogue, or that it doesn't "feel" the way I want it to, but I'm hard-pressed to say why.  I can't say that this is something everyone goes through, but if someone is going through it, maybe they'll find some succor here, in seeing that they're not alone.

This anthology has been a pretty big undertaking, and there are so many things I hadn't ever considered.  I'm thrilled to have the help I have been receiving, and I'm so glad Nikoda and Norik have volunteered their help because it is taking a huge load off me to only have to worry about technical edits what with all the other things that crop up regularly, that I never realized I needed to think about.  I'm grateful to all of you who are submitting and who are opening yourselves up for the potential sting of content editing, because you guys are the reason for this book and I'm so happy that I'm in a writing group with you guys.  <3

That said, we're gonna open up the floor for edits.  I'd love to see some discussion, even heated, because it will definitely be helpful for me both with my own work and with any future anthologies I undertake, and I hope it'll be helpful for everyone else.


1 comment:

  1. Woop! I'm down for this! I love learning from others! And, really, I'm with you. I'm usually so close to my work that I can't quite see it as a reader enough to really fix it. I do OK, I think, but I could totally do better!
